
Country Profile

Albania is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic and a developing country with a population of 2.8 million and an upper-middle income economy. It went through a process of transition following the end of communism in 1990, from centralized planning to a market-based economy. 

Social entrepreneurship in the country is still considered a nascent field. They have adopted a Law on Social Enterprises, but still has not been operationalized. 

Country Facts and Figures [ALB]

Indicator  Value  Source 
Population 2,837,743 Instat, 2020
Human Development Index  0.795 HDI, 2019
Gender Inequality Index  0.181 HDI, 2019
GDP (current US$) (billions) 14,80 WB, 2020
GDP growth -3.3 WB, 2020
GNI per capita, PPP ($) 13580 WB, 2020
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) (millions) 1,744,099.96 WB, 2019
Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP) 70.8 WB, 2020
Tax revenue (% of GDP) 18.3 WB, 2019
Unemployment rate 12.2 Instat, 2020
Unemployment rate (male) 12 Instat, 2020
Unemployment rate (female) 12.4 Instat, 2020
Unemployment rate (youth 15-24 years) 27 WB, 2019
Employment rate (male) 67.8 Instat, 2021
Employment rate (female) 53.6 Instat, 2021
Average monthly net wage (MKD) (01.2019)  56710 Instat, 2021
Poverty rate  23.4 Instat, 2021
Households with internet access  82.2 Invest in Albania, 2018
Sources: * Human Development Index 2019 * World Bank 2019 & 2020 * Instat 2019, 2020 & 2021 * Invest in Albania, 2018

Areas of Needed Intevention

Matching Legal Forms with EU Definition

Overview of Social Enterprises in the Border Region - Albania

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