
Country Profile

Bulgaria is a developing country, with an upper-middle-income economy. Its market economy is part of the European Single Market. Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, NATO, the Council of Europe; it is also a founding member of the OSCE. 

Social entrepreneurship in he country is still in development. The lack of clear criteria for identifying social enterprises in Bulgaria and the fragmented legal framework have confused the field of social enterprises. In an effort to provide clarity, the government elaborated a draft Law on Enterprises of Social and Solidarity Economy, adopted by the National Parliament. The available legal framework for the above-mentioned organisational forms as well as the new Act parallel parts of the EU operational definition.

Country Facts and Figures [BUL]

Value  Source 
Population 6,927,288 WB,2020
Human Development Index  0.816 HDI,2020
Gender Inequality Index  0.206 HDI 2020
GDP (current US$) (billions) 69,10 WB,2020
GDP growth -4.2 WB,2020
GNI per capita, PPP ($) 24,367.3 WB,2020
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) (millions) 2,075,750.00 WB,2020
Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP) 54.3 Trading Economics, 2018
Tax revenue (% of GDP) 20.3 WB,2019
Unemployment rate 5.7 WB,2020
Unemployment rate (male) 4.5 WB,2019
Unemployment rate (female) 3.87 The global economy, 2019
Unemployment rate (youth 15-24 years) 8.9 WB, 2019
Long-term unemployment (>12 months) 27.1 SSO, 2020
Employment rate (male) 59.1 SSO, 2020
Employment rate (female) 46.9 SSO, 2020
Average monthly net wage (MKD) (01.2019)  1505 Trading Economics, 2021
Poverty rate  23.8 WB, 2019
Child Poverty Rate (ages 0-17) 28.3 SSO, 2020
Households with internet access (%) 79 Statista, 2020
Sources: * Human Development Index 2019 * World Bank 2019 & 2020 * The Global Economy 2019 * Trading Economics 2021 * State Statistical Office 2020 * Statista 2020

Women Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship

Social Enterprises Fields of Activity

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