Country Profile

Turkey is a transcontinental country, with a presidential system that was adopted by referendum in 2017. Turkey an upper-middle-income country. The country rapidly urbanized, maintained strong macroeconomic and fiscal policy frameworks, opened to foreign trade and finance, harmonized many laws and regulations with European Union (EU) standards, and greatly expanded access to public services.
Social entrepreneurship is still a developing field. There has been a noticeable increase in academic interest in relation to social entrepreneurs and social enterprises in Turkey over recent years. The lack of regulation, funding, capacities and awareness continue to hinder its development.
Country Facts and Figures [TUR]
Indicator | Value | Source |
Population | 84.339.067 | WB, 2020 |
Human Development Index | 0.806 | HDI, 2021 |
GDP (current US$) (billions) | 720.101 | WB, 2020 |
GDP growth | 1.8 | WB, 2020 |
GNI per capita, PPP ($) | 27.780 | WB, 2020 |
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) (millions) | 9,266 | WB, 2019 |
Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP) | 98.3 | WB, 2020 |
Tax revenue (% of GDP) | 16.5 | World Bank, 2019 |
Unemployment rate | 13.1 | WB, 2020 |
Unemployment rate (male) | 12.3 | WB, 2020 |
Unemployment rate (female) | 14.8 | WB, 2020 |
Unemployment rate (youth 15-24 years) | 25.1 | WB, 2020 |
Employment rate (male) | 5.9 | WB, 2019 |
Employment rate (female) | 1.5 | WB, 2019 |
Average monthly net wage (EUR) | 3,577.5 | Trading Economics, 2021 |
Poverty rate | 14.4 | WB, 2020 |
Households with internet access (%) | 91 | Statista, 2020 |
Sources: * Human Development Index 2021 * World Bank 2019 & 2020 * Trading Economics, 2021 * Statista, 2020 |
Number of Social Enterprises Being established in Turkey

Age of Social Entrepreneurs in Turkey

Social Enterprises Sector of Work